Thursday, 21 August 2014

How to broadcast Linux hostname to Windows Network (Based on CentOS 6 / 7)

Do you have an experience, that Ubuntu able to broadcast its hostname to Windows network where other Linux OS have issues on it?

You googled for remedy.
You edited ifcfg-xxx, dhclient-xxx.conf, /etc/hostname.
You tried nsupdate.

But, nothing worked and frustrates you.
Changing hostname in Ubuntu alone affects immediately.
You start to think that you should have used Ubuntu...

Well, here is my solving method based on both CentOS 6 / 7.
(Do it with your own responsibility)

After the OS installation with "Web Server" package.

You install SAMBA.
# yum install samba

Next, you rename your hostname.
# hostname my-centos

Start the SAMBA NMB Daemon.
# service nmb start

There, you should be able to ping "my-centos" from Windows.
If you still unable to get them, it might be SELinux / iptables issue.
It's not recommended but you can disable it.

# setenforce 0
# iptables -F

There. it should be working nicely right now.
Have a nice day =)