It's late but, Happy New Year :D
Recently have really busy on my job.
Because of it, I was unable to do my personal stuff.
So, it end up AliceSoft released a Browser type ADV before I released my B-ADV. orz
Well that ADV is now closed though, it turned me up to revise my B-ADV.
So, my current status is on developing reB-ADV(revised B-ADV). Bit by bit though...
I just really hope that I able to release before any similiar stuff released.
Well in developing reB-ADV, I replaced Audio Data API with Web Audio API.
Have been playing with the new toy, but still unclear how to pan / balance the channel.
The Google's Pan/Reverb demo works good and when I try to mimic it, it just doesn't come out right. Sigh.
Well, hope to share you guys with anything new or anything inspires me.
Have a nice day :)
(It looks like my postfix + dovecot setup is the most popular post in my blog, hmm)