Tuesday 26 June 2012

Personal thoughts on #OpJapan

This is my personal thoughts on #OpJapan.

Japanese Gov. changed ever since the last election.
Is a from bad to worst.
Who ever thought of that?
They made empty promises and suffers the life of its citizen.
Well, it will be off topic if I talk about the politics here,
so I'm not gonna express my feelings on that right here.

To the topic.

In here, Japan, a new copyright law passed at June 22th, 2012.
The new law will be implemented on October.
The law is about punishing illegal downloads, ripping, etcs...

Sounds good for a country to combat piracy.
But, not until JASRAC orders ISP to install surveilance that scans on user activity(download).
There goes our privacy...

Anounymous finds that this will be a start of non-free internet and had commenced attack on Japan.
They are risking themself just to fighting for the freedom of the internet.

On my thought, this act is a justice.
I'm not saying being pirate is good, but ridiculous-ness of what JASRAC is trying to do is awful.
I'm not gonna talk about advantage and disadvantage of illegal downloading here.
Just that this law gonna make citizen suffers more...

But, the most important part is,
(By now, during i wrote this post) most of the citizens are not taking action to protest or anything to protect their privacy.
They are just sitting back and let just hope that Anounymous help them to defeat the evil.
Some even says, "We should fight on ourself, get out outsiders"from bulletin boards.

Sigh, what I want to say is just,
Japanese citizens should realize by now that the Gov. is taking advantage of theirs.
If they do not stands up and fight for it, they will always be the puppet of the blood sucking Gov.

Tuesday 19 June 2012

How to install PHP 5.4.x on CentOS 6.x

Here are a few commands to execute for installing PHP 5.4.x on CentOS 6.x.

1. Install REMI Repository
# rpm --import http://rpms.famillecollet.com/RPM-GPG-KEY-remi
# rpm -ivh http://rpms.famillecollet.com/enterprise/remi-release-6.rpm

2. Execute yum install with remi-test enabled
# yum install php --enablerepo=remi-test

Check whether you're ok with the dependencies and proceed the installation.
Done. Just that simple 3 steps.

Note. You might want to disable remi-test after installation
# yum update --disablerepo=remi-test

Monday 11 June 2012

How to play HTML5 audio through JavaScript

A simple memo of how to play HTML5 audio using JavaScript

var audioElement = new Audio();
audioElement.src = 'http://www.somesite.com/audioresource.ogg';
That's all. Is that simple :D

Note that some browser do not supports ogg formats.
You might want to encode that specified format to support playback for that particular browser.
Well, I don't care about those browsers though.

As for mobile browsers... (MobileSafari, Android Browser)
Unfortunately they do not work as planned.

Reference :

It's year 2012 and Apple haven't solve that problem yet...
I do not owned an Android Device, I do not know is it fixed or not...